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News - The Gascony Cookery School

Thank you for visiting the Gascony Cookery School News Page. Here you will find all the news and latest information that relates to the cookery school in France, and the things that we find interesting and worth sharing with you.

Fish & Crustaceans – Another Amazing Week in Gramont by Julian Rolfe

The stunning Lot-et-Garonne region sits in the South West of France and is home to the Gascony Cookery School based in Gramont, run by David and Vikki Chance, and Bernard Corbière. The school runs from ‘Le Petit Feuillant’ chambre d’hote, the French equivalent of a Bed and Breakfast and ‘Le Petit Feuillant’ Auberge, the excellent traditional restaurant run by Bernard. I had […]

No Politics or Football – just Great Food!

Do you love relaxation and good food? A safe, peaceful environment where all you can hear are the birds singing? Beautiful rolling countryside in a rural area of France where crime is so low that a burglary will become front page news? If you answered yes to those questions then the Gascony Cookery School ticks […]

Tarte au citron recipe

A nice, fresh ‘lemony’ recipe for the summer…….. Ingredients for pate sablée (pastry) 310g plain flour 125g icing sugar 125g softened butter 2 eggs 3 tablespoons of double cream a pinch of salt Ingredients for the filling 3 lemons zest and juice (140ml in total) 3 large eggs or 4 medium eggs 90g caster sugar […]

Spring in Gascony

Our guests left on Wednesday and we have a few days off. We’re using the time wisely by having a good tidy up and doing some long awaited tasks in the garden. Lettuces, tomatoes, courgettes, peppers and other vegetables are now all planted and just waiting for the sun to encourage them to grow. This […]

Another recipe – Two Pepper Soup

La Soupe aux Deux Poivrons – Two Pepper Soup Here’s a lovely warming soup for you to try – ideal for this chilly April weather!! It’s simple to make and looks really good…. Ingredients: 2 Red peppers 2 Yellow peppers 200g onions 2 cloves of garlic 200ml vegetable stock 20g fennel 20ml dry white wine […]

The Start of our new Season at the Gascony Cookery School

A fabulous start to the new season! A great group of guests joined us this week, they totally immersed themselves into cooking and Gramont village life. All members of the group were extremely proud of their Gateaux Pitithiers and didn’t mind one bit sharing it with our wonderful neighbours, Gerard and Janine. In fact, our […]

A New Recipe – Ballotine de Poulet

  Follow this link to access the recipe: Ballotine de poulet We have a variety of courses still available, which you can click here to access    Dave, Vikki & Bernard xxx          

La Chasse – Celebration of the Hunt

Last weekend we were invited to the local hunt celebration. It’s a day when the members of the hunt prepare lunch for the village community. We were able to smell our lunch fifty metres before we arrive, where we find two wild boar on the spit. We begin with aperitifs around the fire, chatting and […]

Why we like being in Gascony……

The gastronomic food of the region, we’ve yet to taste better foie gras, confit or magret de canard In June the wonderful scent of garlic in the air In July we can’t stop smiling as we pass masses of fields of sunflowers Waking up to the views of the Pyrenees and watching the seasons change […]

Crepes Suzette recipe from the Gascony Cookery School

Just in time for Pancake Day, here’s our recipe we wanted to share with you for a pancake with a difference! Crêpes suzette Ingredients for Crêpe Batter: 120g Plain flour Pinch of salt Pinch of sugar 1 Egg 2 Egg yolks 280ml Milk 30ml Oil Ingredients for sauce suzette: 4 Sugar lumps Juice of one […]


8th February 2016

Food of Gascony

Each region of France is renowned for it’s food traditions and Gascony is no exception. It is easy to understand why even the poorest peasants ate like kings and this is just a quick overview of what you would expect to find. In the 13th century the Benedictine monks developed the famous Prune d’Ente plum tree […]

In the kitchen at the Gascony Cookery School

The Gascony Cookery School: I can’t imagine residential cooking schools get better than this

I’ve done a lot of one-day cooking courses, and found something to love about each one. But this holiday had a new edge: a residential course. Four intensive days of cooking with a bit of gastronomic sightseeing, deep in the heart of one of France’s most famous regions for cuisine.  It was fabulous.   So great, […]

The Armagnac of Gascony

Armagnac is a very aromatic brandy from Gascony. It was France’s first brandy and dates back more than 700 years. Despite its long history, Armagnac is often compared with Cognac. Superficially the two are really very similar: they are both wine-based spirits (eaux-de-vie de vin) from south-western France, produced in fundamentally in the same method […]

A Week in Gramont – Cooking Gascony Style

Take 2 Australian sisters on a 6 week tour of France, 2 sisters from the U.K., 1 single female professional, (who’s done the Leith Diploma course) and a keen food blogger in need of a break, and you have a recipe for one hell of an adventure in cuisine. Gerard was waiting for us at Toulouse […]


28th January 2015
A view of Gascony

Gascony South West France

If there is one part of France that is still pure and undiscovered, it is definitely Gascony. Time seems to have stood in perfect tranquility in this astonishingly green scenery, with the best-preserved medieval properties and castles. Its beauty, lush geography, delectable cuisine, historic attractions and the thrill of having a wonderful calm vacation, is […]


26th January 2015

As mentioned in...