La Chasse – Celebration of the Hunt
Last weekend we were invited to the local hunt celebration. It’s a day when the members of the hunt prepare lunch for the village community. We were able to smell our lunch fifty metres before we arrive, where we find two wild boar on the spit. We begin with aperitifs around the fire, chatting and watching our lunch gently cook.
When lunch is ready, we take our seats on long tables, setting our places with the cutlery and crockery we all bring ourselves, enjoying spending time with our friends and the wonderful meal prepared for us all.
The tradition is that the head of the wild boar is passed around to each table to celebrate it’s capture.
This is a very long lunch and after five hours of copious amount of food and red wine, we stagger back down the hill so happy not to be far from home. The village was extremely quiet for the rest of the day!!!
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Dave, Vikki & Bernard xxx